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Arpeggiated Triad Inversion Exercise
If you struggle with finger independence and maintaining control of the fretboard, this lesson is for you! Utilizing this simple exercise of triads will make your brain and fingers think that much harder. Try it out for size and I would love to hear you guys tackle this. Add it to your practice routine and watch your ability grow. As always comment down below and let me know what you think
5 thoughts on “Arpeggiated Triad Inversion Exercise”
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This makes me wonder, how much noodling should we be doing? How much is too much? How about a lesson about noodling? Thanks!
Interesting take Brian! Would love to know, what exactly made your brain go there??? Very interested
have a short attention span! Haha. I have always gone off on tangents, where I just start improvising, while trying to focus on the the lessons at hand.
I have a short attention span! Haha. I have always gone off on tangents, where I just start improvising, while trying to focus on the the lessons at hand.
PS: love this lesson