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CHORDS COURSE – Part 7 – Major and Minor 9ths
#BASSNATION are you ready to keep digging in on bass chords?? In this week’s lesson I’ll be covering major and minor 9th chords. There is a lot of great information in this week’s lesson including various fingerings of the same chords, cool ways to establish the location of the scale degree you are playing (like a 9!) and more. Grab your bass and dig in with me!!
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7 thoughts on “CHORDS COURSE – Part 7 – Major and Minor 9ths”
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I like that 1-5-9 5th’s cord be fun adding that in know and then. I don’t know if I’ll ever B able to stretch from A3 to G7 lolty…
Sounds cool right?! Yea maybe that’s quite a stretch though. Even tough for me so I would start that chord on E8 if possible. Easier stretch.
Thanks for the fun lessons. Sounds great, not to hard to play.
Daric,…bro,… you put your fourth finger,(little finger), on that D, the ninth,.. without moving your hand!! I can’t even spread my pinky with my right hand,.. while holding down the first, and fifth!! How do you do this???!! Is there an methods for creating ones ability to spread fingers like that!! Nd what was that piece you played at the beginning?? Dude,.. you’re amazing,… it’s hard not to put the bass down,.. when hearing some of the amazing runs and licks you play!!!
Thank you!!! So honored by your reply!
I´m currently studying these 9 chords and you re the best, your lessons are like a conversation with a close friend haha thanks for this great lesson man greetings from Perú.