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BEGINNERS COURSE – Part 15 – Intro To Arpeggios
#BASSNATION who is ready to dig in with me on arpeggios? Learn exactly what an arpeggio is and how to play them. An essential part of your bass playing knowledge! Grab your bass and dig in with me!
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24 thoughts on “BEGINNERS COURSE – Part 15 – Intro To Arpeggios”
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Another good lesson. Helps me to concentrate and remain focused learning music theory. Thanks
this will not load
Sorry about that, seems to be working on my end. Did you try the link above the video?
Great, the lessons are in categories on the lessons page and you can also do a search for a specific word in the search engine
The pace of this section was very fast bro. Could do with you getting closer to the strings and doing things slightly slower please
Hey Stephen, sure thing. There’s an updated course being created right now that should be out very soon. In the meantime you can always slow down any of these lessons physically with the settings wheel at the bottom. Will keep you updated
Hi bro, I’m originally from Mauritius Island where English is my third language, anyway I love the fact that I get to slow the speed you speak, I love your lessons.Thanks
Also yeah i agree with the comment above. The lesson jumps skill level when you watch it within the beginner course rather than in the ‘all lessons’ page. Still great lessons though I am just commenting to be helpful! 🙂
Hey bro, can you give me any advice on how to add fills to songs instead of keeping it simple. I can play songs well but wen it comes to adding moves I get stuck ??
Hey! There will absolutely be more lessons on fills and lick that you can implement inside of your playing. But I’m the meantime If you do a search on the main lesson page you’ll find a bunch of licks and fills you can utilize for now 👍🏾
When you say you have things written out. I don’t see where they are written out.
Hey Thomas, the PDF for the specific lesson should be above the video. It should be a clickable link that takes you directly to the PDF. Let me know if you still don’t see it
Ok yes I see it on my phone just not on my iPad for some reason
Hey Daric, haven’t seen your c minor vids. How can i find them for c minor. Iv seen the c major. Thanks
Hey once you’re on the members lessons page you can simply type “minor” in the search engine and all the lessons that speak on minor should pop up
Hey Derek do you do any lessons on how to read music I remember some when I was a kid playing the recorder and something like Every Good Boy Does Fine but that’s it LOL
Hey Thomas, working on that as we speak along with how to read tablature as well.
I finished the beginners course what are the next steps as to what to practice or watch there are so many videos not sure where to go
hey Daric i found the pdf for the video but i can’t read it to play. can you help with that
Ooh thats too nice! Thanks Daric!
Where did you cover the minor scale?
Part 13 – Wholetones & Semitones
Man, glad I got on this. I was way over thinking what triads and arpeggios were in a scale.