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CHORDS COURSE – Part 6 – Major and Minor 6ths
#BASSNATION in this week’s lesson I’ll be showing you how to play the major and minor 6th chords as well as some variations in each. I definitely encourage you to play them up and down the neck to get use to the different fret spacing, always making sure your notes are coming out clean, clear and precise!
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8 thoughts on “CHORDS COURSE – Part 6 – Major and Minor 6ths”
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Good lesson D!!..Q: The 2 and 4 chord comes up a lot in the Contempary Christian songs I play every week.. what do you recommend for those?
What relationship does the second position major inversion have with the major 6 chord? I just noticed it’s the same shape.
Good question, they’re actually a little different. I’ll show the difference in a separate lesson response!
I’m confused on this lesson, what lesson or lessons do I need to go back to catch up on to get to this level
Hello Daric, I’ll love it if you accompany this tutorial with a song for better understanding… Thank You
Secondly, If you’re on key C and the progression takes you to key A, what chord is meant to be played? Major 6th chord or Minor 6th chord?
Just a small remark to the 6 in a minor chord. The 6th is just major on the 2. degree. It is a minor 6 on degree 3 and 6. So major 6 gives a nice dorian feel (a brighter feel than a minor 6)
Totally agreed, great observation I often use the 6th scale degree on the 2 chord just because I like the way it feels 🤟🏾